My daughter would watch t.v. all day if we let her. As a three-year-old she is fascinated with the magical entertainment that appears on the television screen in the form of Dora, The Backyardigans, and Max and Ruby. She is allowed to watch some t.v. each day, usually when I need to keep her safely occupied like when I'm making dinner or feeding her younger brother.
My question is - how much television is appropriate for preschoolers? Television is a part of our reality and I believe that not allowing children to experience it, and learn how to timetable it into their lives in appropriate ways is irresponsible. Technology is our future and we need to show our children how to use it for the right reasons and within the right contexts. I also sympathize with her. I know after a long day at work sometimes all I want to do is come home and relax with a movie. I'm sure it's no different for her when she's busy at school all day.
Unless she's watching t.v. like the children in the report!
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